Task Utilities


Resilient Circuits Components for ‘fn_task_utils

screenshot: main

Resilient Circuits Components which can be used to manipulate existing tasks or create new ones. Provides functions which can be invoked through standalone example rules or can be integrated as part of a custom workflow

Key Features

  • Create or Update tasks as a part of workflow.

  • Add Notes to tasks from an integration to provide updates as actions are performed

  • Ability to close either System or Custom tasks


  • IBM Resilient >= v31.0.4235

  • An Integrations Server running resilient-circuits >= v31.0.0


  • Download the fn_task_utils.zip

  • Copy the .zip to your Integrations Server and SSH into it.

  • Unzip the package:

    $ unzip fn_task_utils-x.x.x.zip
  • Install the package:

    $ pip install fn_task_utils-x.x.x.tar.gz
  • Import the configurations into your app.config file:

    $ resilient-circuits config -u
  • Import the fn_task_utils customizations into the Resilient Appliance:

    $ resilient-circuits customize -y -l fn-task-utils
  • Open the config file, scroll to the bottom and edit your fn_task_utils configurations:

    $ nano ~/.resilient/app.config





  • Save and Close the app.config file.

  • [Optional]: Run selftest to test you the Integration is configured:

    $ resilient-circuits selftest -l fn-task-utils
  • Run resilient-circuits or restart the Service on Windows/Linux:

    $ resilient-circuits run


  • SSH into your Integrations Server

  • Uninstall the package:

    $ pip uninstall fn-task-utils
  • Open the config file, scroll to the [fn_task_utils] section and remove the section or prefix # to comment out the section.

  • Save and Close the app.config file.


There are several ways to verify the successful operation of a function.

Resilient Action Status

  • When viewing an incident, use the Actions menu to view Action Status.

  • By default, pending and errors are displayed.

  • Modify the filter for actions to also show Completed actions.

  • Clicking on an action displays additional information on the progress made or what error occurred.

Resilient Scripting Log

  • A separate log file is available to review scripting errors.

  • This is useful when issues occur in the pre-processing or post-processing scripts.

  • The default location for this log file is: /var/log/resilient-scripting/resilient-scripting.log.

Resilient Logs

  • By default, Resilient logs are retained at /usr/share/co3/logs.

  • The client.log may contain additional information regarding the execution of functions.


  • The log is controlled in the .resilient/app.config file under the section [resilient] and the property logdir.

  • The default file name is app.log.

  • Each function will create progress information.

  • Failures will show up as errors and may contain python trace statements.





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Resilient Labs
