McAfee ATD

This function uploads a file or URL to McAfee to be analyzed and returns the report to the function’s post-processer or adding the pdf/html attachment to the incident. The function will work on all artifacts that support an attachment, incident and task attachments, in addition to artifacts which support URLs.


To install in “development mode”

pip install -e ./fn_mcafee_atd/

After installation, the package will be accessible to resilient-circuits run.

To uninstall,

pip uninstall fn-mcafee-atd

To package for distribution,

python ./fn_mcafeee_atd/ sdist

The resulting .tar.gz file can be installed using

pip install dist/<filename>.tar.gz

See the accompanying documentation for how to install to Resilient and configure.


  1. Import the package’s customization data into the Resilient Platform through the command:

    resilient-circuits customize

    This will create the following custom components:

    • Message Destinations: McAfee ATD Message Destination

    • Functions: McAfee ATD Analyze URL, McAfee ATD Analyze File

    • Custom Fields: incident_id, artifact_id, attachment_id, task_id, mcafee_atd_report_type, mcafee_atd_url_submit_type

    • Workflows: (Example) McAfee ATD Analyze Artifact File, (Example) McAfee ATD Analyze Attachment, (Example) McAfee ATD Analyze URL

    • Rules: (Example) McAfee ATD Analyze Artifact File, (Example) McAfee ATD Analyze Attachment, (Example) McAfee ATD Analyze URL

  2. Update and edit app.config by first running:

     resilient-circuits configure -c, to start a new configuration file or
     resilient-circuits configure -u, to update an existing configuration


    # Amount of time in minutes before the function quits and throws an error

    # Interval in seconds to wait to check if the file has finished being analyzed

    # Value '0' indicates no user interaction is needed during sample analysis. Value '1' indicates user interaction
    # is needed during sample analysis.

    # Analyzer profile ID. The profile ID number can be found in the UI Policy/Analyzer Profile page.

    # parameter with values either 'run_now' or 'add_to_q', defaults to 'add_to_q'



  1. For each of the workflows, review the inputs and the post-process scripts to ensure expected behavior is set to occur.


  1. Start Resilient Circuits with: resilient-circuits run

  2. From within Resilient and a given incident, run the manual Action McAfee ATD Analyze Artifact File to upload the file to ATD for analysis.

  3. After it has been analyzed a report will be returned to Resilient