AlienVault OTX

Table of Contents

About This Package:

This package contains a Resilient Function that allows you to search your Alien Vault OTX platform with the given query for Threat Intelligence data about a particular Threat Indicator

  • Threat intelligence indicators that can be searched for are:

    • IP Address

    • Domain

    • Host Name

    • File Hashes

    • URL

    • CVE

  • The function makes use of the Alien Vault OTX api/v1/indicators API call to get information on a given query

  • More information on Alien Vault OTX


Sample Function layout:


Sample Pre-Process Script


Sample Post-Process Script



  • Resilient Appliance >= v31.0.0

  • Integrations Server running resilient_circuits >= v30.0.0

  • Account with Alien Vault OTX

  • A DirectConnect OTX API Key from Alien Vault


This package requires that it is installed on a RHEL or CentOS platform and uses the resilient-circuits framework.

  • Install this package using pip:

  • Download the .zip file from our App Exchange and extract it. You will find a file called: fn_alienvault_otx-<version>.tar.gz

  • Copy this file to your Integrations Server

  • To install the package, run:

    $ pip install pip install fn_alienvault_otx-<version>.tar.gz
  • To import the function, example rules and workflows into your Resilient Appliance, run:

    $ resilient-circuits customize -y -l fn-alienvault-otx
  • To update your app.config file with the required Alien Vault configurations, run:

    $ resilient-circuits config -u
  • Then open your app.config file and the following configuration data is added:

      # OTX API Key to Access the Alien Vault OTX Service
      av_api_key=<<DirectConnect OTX API Key>>
      #Base URL Path of Alien Vault OTX
      # Proxy Server by Default will be None
  • Run resilient-circuits:

    $ resilient-circuits run
  • To uninstall:

    $ pip uninstall fn-alienvault-otx

Function Inputs

Function Name









The search value to send to Alien Vault OTX (may be any String that contains an IP Address, URL, Hash, Threat CVE ID, DNS Name, System Name.)




IP Address

The search type to send to Alien Vault OTX (may be any String type can be an IP Address, URL, Hash, Threat CVE ID, DNS Name, System Name.)





The section to search for Threat Intelligence Data from Alien Vault, this section may be different for different search type (may be any string general, geo, malware, reputation, url_list, passive_dns, http_scans etc)

Function Output

  • To see the output of each of the API calls for this Function, we recommend running resilient-circuits in DEBUG mode.

  • To do this run:

    $ resilient-circuits run --loglevel=DEBUG

Sample Output Displayed on Incident Notes Section


Pre-Process Script

This example sets the alienvault_search_value, alienvault_search_type, alienvault_section inputs to the value and type of the Artifacts and sections the user took action on

# The search value to send to Alien Vault OTX (may be any String that contains an IP Address, URL, Hash,Threat CVE ID,DNS Name,System Name.)
inputs.alienvault_search_value = artifact.value
#The search type to send to Alien Vault OTX (may be any String type can be an IP Address, URL, Hash,Threat CVE ID,DNS Name,System Name.)
inputs.alienvault_search_type = artifact.type
#The section to search for Threat Intelligence Data from Alien Vault, this section may be different for different search type(may be any string general, geo, malware,reputation, url_list, passive_dns, http_scans etc)
inputs.alienvault_section =

Post-Process Script

result_data = results['content']
for key_data,value_data in result_data.items():
rich_text_tmp += rich_text_format.format(key_data.upper(),value_data)browse_rich_text_final = helper.createRichText(rich_text_tmp)


Rule Name

Object Type

Workflow Triggered

Activity Fields

Example: Alien Vault - CVE Lookup


Example: Alien Vault OTX CVESearch

Alien Vault Search Section CVE values : general

Example: Alien Vault - DNS Name Lookup


Example: Alien Vault OTX DNS Name

Alien Vault Search Section DNS Name values : general,geo,malware,url_list,passive_dns,whois,http_scans

Example: Alien Vault - File Hash Lookup


Example: Alien Vault OTX Hash

Alien Vault Search Section Hash values : general,analysis

Example: Alien Vault - Host Name Lookup


Example: Alien Vault OTX Host Name

Alien Vault Search Section Host Name values : general,geo,malware,url_list,passive_dns,http_scans

Example: Alien Vault - IP Address Lookup


Example: Alien Vault OTX IP Address

Alien Vault Search Section IP Address values : general,reputation,geo,malware,url_list,passive_dns,http_scans

Example: Alien Vault - URL Lookup


Example: Alien Vault OTX URL

Alien Vault Search Section URL values : general,url_list

Using the Alien Vault OTX Function

  • The Alien Vault Function can be called on artifact like IP Address, DNS Name, System Name, URL, URL Referer, Hashes, Threat CVE ID.

  • After invoking a Rule on the Artifact, we need to choose the Section based on the Artifact

  • For more info on what section refers to, please see: